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Orphanage Visit

I was with a 19-year-old teen
suffering from autism,
hyperactive, cp, and epilepsy.
He held my hand tightly
and didn't want to let me go.

Last saturday, Dec 1st,  I was invited by friends to join a visit to an orphanage in BSD region. I forget where it is exactly located (I forget the address and the name of the orphanage. Hugh, what a really stupid man !?! ;) ).

Frankly speaking it was a very nice and pleasant visit. I saw many happy faces there from either visitors (there were many visitors on that day beside me and my friends) and the dwellers. I saw they (the visitors and the dwellers) were sharing happiness together so sincerely. I saw a full of love faces. I saw a very touching togetherness. It was a great moment of sharing.

There are 32 disabled dwellers (mostly boys and girls) in the orphanage and 20 therapists/nurses. Those 32 disabled are suffering from various kinds of mental and physical disabilities. There are some who are suffering from down syndrome, some others are autistic, some are epilepsy, celebrapalsy, hydrocepallus, hyperactive, and some are even suffering from combination of those abnormalities.

Above are the pictures when I was in 'kinda' isolated room only for those who are severely disabled, can't talk, stand up and walk. In the left hand side of me (in the pictures) is a 15-year-old-female suffering from autism and cp (if i am not mistaken).

I was holding Ari, a-3-year-old boy
with down syndrome
Left side picture is when i was holding ari, a 3-year-old boy who has down syndrome.
He always looks funny and happy.
He is a cheery, light-hearted and a very-very good boy.

Orphanage, it is one of places where love-sharing, happiness-sharing, and time-sharing meet together in peaceful and heavenly life-reality.

Learn from toddlers
And....of course.... there was also a fascinating and funny moment of toddlers. Toddlers are always the best natural entertainers in the world...;). They are always the ones who always make us smile and laugh...;). Be sure we learn from toddlers in this matter...;)
Below was toddlers's summit meeting:
Toddlers' summit meeting:
Left is Ari, a 3-year-old-down syndrome boy,
is in a summit meeting with William (a special guest/visitor),
a-2-year-old-smart-funny boy.
William is my friend's son
and periodically comes to this orphanage with his parents to share
He is a US-Indonesian mixed blood.
He is also a very funny and smart boy

Left-side is Ari, a 3-year-old-down syndrome boy.
He was being in a summit meeting with William (right-side, a special guest/visitor), a-2-year-old-smart-funny-boy.
Very awesome scene that boys (one of them is suffering from down syndrome) could share love and happiness easily with their fellow.
William is my friend's son and periodically comes to this orphanage with his parents to share.
He is a US-Indonesian mixed blood.
He is also a very funny and smart boy.


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