Physicists predict that the solar surface temperature is around 6 thousands degree celsius, and at its core about 15 millions to 25 millions degree celsius. Of course no one certainly would prove it empirically. But people just believe it morbidly and thus no one would argue with scientists about that.
Religious leaders predict that God does exist. Again of course no one certainly would prove it empirically. Some people believe it and some others don't believe it morbidly and keep arguing about that forever and ever.
A question stays on my head: Why physicists are more trustworthy than religious leaders about something that can never be proven at all empirically?
karena kondisi-dunia-lingkungan hidup berubah. religion (dr kata dasar yg artinya kira2 'keterkaitan dlm komunitas') menjadi hal yg melelahkan di jaman sekarang yg terlanjur ber-atmosfir individual, dan minim rasa percaya kepada yg lain. jenis religion yg 'sesuai' dgn jaman sekarang adalah, sayangnya, jenis fundamentalis. suatu jenis yang tak tahan hidup dlm cahaya rasional. sekian.
kapan2 takkunjungi lagi dan takkomentari.