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Showing posts from April, 2008

Hacker dan Keamanan TI

This article was published on seputar-indonesia daily (sindo sore / evening edition) on 2008-04-03 Minggu lalu,situs Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika (Depkominfo) dan situs Partai Golkar diubah tampilan halamannya (deface) oleh hacker.Situs Depkominfo di-deface pada Rabu (26/3) tepat sehari setelah pengesahan Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (ITE). Sementara situs Partai Golkar di-deface sehari setelahnya.Uniknya, selain meninggalkan pesan pada situs- situs yang di-deface tersebut, hackerjuga meninggalkan gambar pakar telematika Roy Suryo.Berbagai pertanyaan muncul dalam benak penulis ketika mencermati deface situs-situs tersebut.yang paling mengganggu mengenai situs tujuan hacker dan maksudnya melakukan hal tersebut. Mengapa Hacking? Para hacker sendiri sering membentuk suatu komunitas. Mereka juga saling berbagi skrip untuk dicoba keampuhannya dan saling memperbarui skrip-skrip buatan mereka.Komunitas hacker sendiri te...

Artificial Intelligence On Computer Based Chess Game:

A chess program basically consists of three main parts, that is, a move generator to generate all legal moves, an evaluation function to evaluate each move, and a search function to select the best move.The core of thinking process is the search function. The search method implemented in this research is alpha beta cutoff. This method is derived from minimax search method to get more optimized.In minimax, all nodes will be searched and compared one by one to get the best value. Meanwhile in alpha beta cutoff, it is not necessary to do those. This method only searches nodes which make contribution to the previous value and cuts off nodes which are not useful. It means that alpha beta will not search and compare all nodes. The new node will be better than the previous one and replace the old value with the new one. In this sense, alpha beta will take less search time.Examinations on this research are by doing a series of matches between human and computer. The results show that the compu...